
mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

"Animazioni 2" screened in Maribor by StopTrik IIF

StopTrik International Film Festival will present “Animazioni 2”, a selection of italian animated short.
The screening is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5th (h. 20:15) at Dvorana Gustaf Pekarna (Ob železnici 16, Maribor - Slovenia).

Animazioni was brought to existence by acclaimed film scholar Paola Bristot in collaboration with composer, sound-designer and promoter of animated film Andrea Martignoni. The main objectives of the project are to unite the circuit of animated film artists, give an opportunity to young and talented authors to reach an international audience and above all, to prove that contemporary Italian animation is worthy of the best cinematic traditions of the fatherland of Federico Fellini or Pier Paolo Pasolini.

The Journey of the Birdboy, Italy, 2007, 4’23’’, Chiara Ambrosio
Giallo in Milano/ Giallo a Milano, Italy, 2009, 6’51’’, Sergio Basso, Lorenzo Latrofa
Djuma, Italy, 2012, 3’50’’, Michele Bernardi
Le Fobie del Guardrail, Italy 2012, 5’, Marco Capellacci
La funambola, Italy, 2002, 6’, Roberto Catani
Dieci cadute, Italy, 2012, 17’57’’, Nicola Console
Percorso#0009-0410, Italy, 2010, 4’28’’, Igor Imhoff
Aztrokitifk & Mario Show, si danno al Crimine, Italy, 2008, 5’, Ivan Manuppelli, Gianluca Lo Presti
Arithmétique, Italy, 2010, 4’, Giovanni Munari, Dalila Rovazzani
Imago, Italy, 2008, 5’50’’, Beatrice Pucci
There Are Spirits/ Ci sono gli spiriti, Italy, 2009, 6’20’’, Alvise Renzini
Corpus No Body, Italy, 2010, 6’, Saul Saguatti, Audrey Coïaniz
Topo glassato al cioccolato, Italy, 2011, 2’40’’, Donato Sansone aka Milkyeyes
Silenziosa-Mente, Italy, 2011, 5’, Alessia Travaglini

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